CST Studio Suite to Design, Analyze & Optimize Electromagnetic Systems
CST Studio Suite is a specialist tool for the 3D EM simulation of high-frequency applications found in multiple industries including automotive, aerospace, life sciences and consumer electronics.
As an industry standard development tool, CST Studio Suite enables the fast and accurate analysis of high-frequency (HF) devices such as antennas, filters, couplers, planar and multi-layer structures including Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). With a unified user experience, CST Studio Suite quickly gives you an insight into the EM behavior of your high-frequency designs.
- Choose between solver modules to simulate a wide range of applications from antennas to lighting strikes to PCB (printed circuit boards).
- Complete technology solution for high frequency 3D EM Field Simulation and Signal & Power Integrity of PCB applications.
- Size and optimize antenna performance for today’s demanding electromagnetics requirements.
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) effects of enclosures.
As a software reseller, Device Analytics offers the market’s widest range of 3D electromagnetic field simulation tools that allow engineers to investigate components or systems efficiently through virtual prototypes and transforming the design cycle.