TOSCA Structure Optimization for Simulation-based Designs
Product development through FEA based optimization is an effective approach in reaching competitive designs. Go beyond FEA design validation and optimize your applications based on realistic materials, boundary conditions and environments. TOSCA can achieve highly optimized topographical designs through a robust material removal approach which go beyond traditional parametric methods.

Benefits of TOSCA Structure
- Material use reduction while achieving strength and performance requirements
- Cost effective solution to reducing expensive design and computational iterations
- Topological optimization approaches based on controller and sensitivity-based techniques
- Change only geometry features that are allowed to change
- Integrate with existing FEA solvers including ANSYS and ABAQUS
- Account for nonlinear behavior including material, geometric, contact and durability
- Account for multidisciplinary environments including thermal and vibration
- Topology and Fluid Modules
Contact us or call us at (760) 635-0047 to discuss how TOSCA can help optimize your structure.